Over the last decade, technology has evolved rapidly and changed the way we do a lot of things. We have started shopping for products and services online with rare visits to a store or a shopping mall with digital disruption. It saw an increase in the number of websites being launched. Every website needs a hosting server to be accessible on the internet. Traditionally, shared and dedicated servers were the only options available to site owners. With the evolution of technology, web hosting servers evolved. Services like cloud hosting and virtual private server hosting were also launched. VPS server hosting has gained popularity as a hosting service in recent years since it offers a dedicated server-like environment at a marginal cost. While choosing the best VPS hosting plan, it is important to choose between SSD and HDD-based plans, Linux and Windows, managed and unmanaged services, etc. Today, we will discuss factors that can help you choose between an SSD and HDD-based VPS hosting server.

In VPS hosting, the host uses server virtualization techniques to create multiple virtual servers on a physical web server. Each virtual server has dedicated resources, account isolation, and complete root access. Here are some comparison points between an SSD and HDD VPS server.
A solid – state drive or SSD is more efficient than a hard disk drive or HDD. It is because HDDs use a rotating disk and needle to store and retrieve data. On the other hand, SSDs use microchips for the same. Hence, they are faster than HDDs. Further, unlike HDDs, SSDs don’t have to wait between requests. Hence, SSDs offer better-performing servers.
Solid State Drives are costlier than Hard Disk Drives. Therefore, SSD-based VPS servers are costlier than HDD-based servers. However, you should not focus merely on the price but on the cost-effectiveness of the VPS server. An SSD does not have as much wear and tear as an HDD. Hence, SSD-based servers last longer and have lower repair costs. It makes them more cost-efficient than HDD-based servers.
A hard disk drive works on the concept of a disk that rotates and a needle that stores and retrieves data. This physical motion makes it prone to wear and tear and damages. On the other hand, SSDs use microchips that are more reliable and durable than HDDs.
Power Utilization
The moving parts in an HDD result in higher utilization of power. SSDs consume much less power. Hence, SSD-based servers are more power-efficient as compared to HDD-based servers.
Summing Up
As you can see, SSDs have many advantages over HDDs. With websites being expected to offer optimum performance in today’s times, resources like SSDs are being preferred by many site owners. The online world is highly competitive, and the experience you offer to visitors on your site can be the difference between success and failure online. Hence, you need to ensure that you don’t leave any stone unturned to boost its performance. When you decide between SSD and HDD VPS plans, ensure that you assess your site’s hosting requirements and make an informed choice. Good Luck!